Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Kerry Shoots Democrats in the Foot... Again!

John Kerry gave voters a not so subtle reminder of what it would be like to have Democrats in charge with his most recent relapse of "foot in mouth" disease.

Claiming that young "students should stay in school, study and be smart so they don't end up stuck in Iraq" was about the dumbest thing any politician could say or do one week before a major election. (And he thinks Bush is stupid...lol)

Never mind that this is the best educated military the US has ever had or that it is the most educated military in the world. Never mind how brave they are. Never mind that they are serving their country. Kerry thinks that they are not too smart.

When criticized for his remarks, the Senator (who served in Vietnam) lashed out, refused to apologize and said it was a flubbed joke... "everyone knows that no Senator would criticize over 140,000 men and women in the United States armed forces, and Republicans know that too".
Oh Really Senator?
If one looks at John Kerry's (D) own words in testimony before Congress during the Vietnam war you will find that he said our military routinely "raped, killed, tortured, mutilated and burned villages in a fashion reminisant of Ghengis Khan" and that it was "widespread from the top to the bottom of our armed forces in Vietnam". (gee, that sounds a lot like criticism)

The same John Kerry (D) recently said our military shouldn't be "kicking in the doors in the middle of the night, terrorising innocent women and children in Iraq". (sounds like criticism)

Make no mistake about it, Democrats would like to shut Kerry up. They were doing fine until he opened his huge mouth (again). They were doing such a good job of hiding uberliberal Nancy Pelosi (D) San Francisco who would have become the next speaker of the US House and would have set committees, agendas and direct policy in the years to come. (sorry)

All Republicans need to do is see if they can get algore to make a public appearance before next Tuesday. That should just about secure the election for the majority party once again.

Thanks John, we couldn't have done it without ya'...(lol)
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Seems like that is the Democrat plan for everything.
Say isn't that your plan for Iraq too?

This Red Stater thanks God for those brave men and women who are doing such a great job of serving their America, and protecting all of us back here safe and sound at home.
To them I say your mission is just and your bravery appreciated. Keep up the great work.

John Kerry is the one who needs the eductation.
He is a disgrace and should be forced to resign from the Senate.
-Red Stater


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just curious Red Stater,
are you comftorable now that Dear Leader has handed control of our military to a foreign power?

Seems Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki is bossing our troops around, and they are obeying. Too bad about their search for their kidnapped buddy.

Which is more disastrous, in your esteemed opinion, a Kerry gaffe, or our President allowing foreigners to command American soldiers?

I can hear the Jeapordy music from here.

Details are at my blog, unless this concerns you not at all.

9:01 PM  
Blogger RD said...

well, that's better than democrats who want to let the terrorists boss us around.... so yes I'll go with the Iraqi leader on this one.

And the mission to find kidnapped soldiers has nothing to do with anything that is advertised.

They need to take control of their country- you would agree (i assume).

So, you want to criticize them when they do?

typical. no plan, just critique and gloom and doom. You been listening to nancy pelosi and howard yeeehaaa dean way too much.
with all due respect,

10:05 AM  

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