Friday, April 27, 2007


Enough with Democrats getting away with murder (Kennedy) and saying anything to get elected (Pelosi) while undermining our troops (Reid) and endangering all of us (Dean, Gore, Clinton, etc).
Enough already.

Republicans, it is time to fight back.
"It's so simple, a caveman could do it".

Republicans need to unite and DEMAND that...

Nancy Pelosi step down from speaker of the House while investigations are conducted regarding her recent trip to the middle east, the Logan Act and possible criminal charges.

Harry Reid must resign as Senate majority leader following his remarks claiming the terrorists have won the war in Iraq and investigations need to follow regarding his fund raising activities and Indian tribes in NV.

Ted Kennedy needs to resign, issue an apology and hearings conducted into his involvement in the death of a co-worker following his driving a car into a river and leaving the co-worker at the scene, not calling authorities until the following day.

Robert KKK Byrd needs to resign. If you need to ask why, you are beyond understanding the answer.

Algore needs to be investigated for his involvement in Carbon Offset scams and global warming hoaxes.

Hillary Clinton needs to be investigated for manipulating intelligence information to justify voting for the war in Iraq and later claiming she was against the war. She needs to apologize to southerners for mocking southern accents when she gives speaches to minority groups. And, while she is looking under that "rug" in the white house to see what Bush left behind... she might just get another surprize from another intern.

Howard Dean needs to be evaluated for mental illness and committed to therapy in a safe place.

John Kerry and John Edwards need to be on TV more... they do more to hurt the Democrat Party than help it.

Republicans can just keep sitting back and taking all the lies and BS from Democrats,.... or decide to fight back.

America has just about had enough.


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