Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Had Enough?

Have You Had Enough…..YET?

Democrats have gone long past their first 100 hours...days without doing anything they promised… but in spite of being in “power” just a few months, here is what they HAVE done…

Had Enough "Cut and Run" Politics ?
Voting on non-binding resolutions “in protest” during a time of war is bad enough, in fact it is “jr-high”, but Democrats in congress don’t seem to get it.

Democrats are refusing to fund the troops (without pork $$ bribery) and refusing to admit that there is any threat from ISLAMIC JIHAD, banned the term “war on terror”, refuse to admit who we are fighting in Iraq and why, while claiming the biggest threat we face today is… “global warming” from driving our cars? Are they kidding or just insane?

Had Enough Queen Nancy?
The self anointed Speaker of the State Nancy Pelosi visited Syria in violation of the Logan Act to offer them an “alternative Democratic foreign policy” (shadow policy from the current US policy) and misquoted a so-called message from Israel in the process of declaring she has achieved peace in the middle-east conflict. Israel denounced her claims and the executive branch of the US government (sets foreign policy) denounced her visit. She is now considering going to Iran. Ahmadinejad is on the same page with Nancy, they should be able to agree on just about everything.

Had Enough PC Police Gone Wild?
The Democrat party and the News Media have declared Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as the official judges for which words are now allowed and who is allowed to say certain words. Rush, Sean, Glenn and other conservative talk hosts are the next and ultimate target since liberals and Democrats consider any view opposing their view as “hate speech”. Imus was merely the sacrificial scape-goat to allow the attack on conservative radio to begin. Notice how the media refuses to let go of the Imus story, which should have gone away after he apologized and the Rutgers Basketball team accepted.

Had Enough “no gun zones” ?
The liberals and Democrats are now using the VA College shootings as a call for eliminating guns from the society. In fact, the only reason the shooter knew he could walk around safely without worry was the fact that the College was a “no gun zone”.

When we make everywhere a “no gun zone”, criminals and killers (yes, they exist) will be able to walk around knowing THEY are the only ones with guns. The best way to keep anyone from walking into a school with a gun etc. is to have bigger guns somewhere inside the school. You know the old saying… “When guns are outlawed…”

Had enough TAXES?
Democrats refuse to admit that the Bush tax cuts are the reason the economy …not only survived following 9/11/2001, but recovered and is thriving during wars in 2 countries and a major US port city wiped out by a hurricane. The Democrats answer to providing more jobs (95%+ employment rate) and create new business is to raise OUR taxes by not making the Bush Tax Cuts permanent.

Had enough of the Democrats and their unofficial communications division (the news media) using EVERY news story to ram another one of their twisted agenda’s down your throat?

Americans have a choice to make again in 2008.
What kind of America do YOU want?

The Islamic radicals are watching and waiting…(and drooling)
The pot-bellied, dog eating, terrorist sponsoring, US hating Dictators around the world are watching and waiting (and drooling),
free speech is under attack and the thugs, muggers, thieves, killers, murderers etc. are watching and waiting too (drooling).

I’ve had enough, but unfortunately we’ve got a lot more of the above coming before the election gets here. America will have “had enough” by then.

If so, I suggest voting.


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