Wednesday, April 18, 2007


The Supreme Court decision to ban partial birth abortion procedures is a long overdue step in the right direction, but in no means addresses the problem of over 1 million unnecessary abortions performed each year in America.
With the level of education available, free contraception if needed and over 100 methods of preventing an unwanted pregnancy from occurring in the first place, abortion should be the exception not the rule.
There is no excuse for 1 million abortions per year... except carelessness and irresponsibility... abortion is being used as just another form of contraception and that needs to be changed.

Banning this horrific procedure doesn't ban abortion at any level and probably won't affect the above numbers. However, the death of an unborn infant (capable of living outside the womb) who is pulled partially out of the womb before scissors are thrust into the back of the skull etc. should NEVER have been allowed in the first place. BRAVO to the Supreme Court 5-4 decision.

Now you know (one of the reasons) why Democrats want control of the Supreme Court appointments.
Liberals scream over baby seals and polar bears, but partial birth abortion is fine with them?

Score ONE for the unborn.


Blogger Otter Limits said...

Apparently, baby seals and polar bears are more important to them than their own species.

That's enough to keep me from not voting for the Democratic agenda.

3:21 PM  

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