Thursday, September 27, 2007

Inhofe Launches Official Language Bill

Click here to send a message to your Senators, urging them to vote for the Inhofe bill, S.1335!

Send a message to your Senator directly, with ProEnglish's Legislative Action Center.

Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) has introduced a bill that would make English the official language of the United States of America, and would require “The Government of the United States [to] conduct its official business in English, including publications, income tax forms, and informational materials.” It would also send a message to new immigrants that the U.S. intends to preserve its linguistic unity as a nation, and that they must have a responsibility to learn English as the first step toward pursing the American dream, and full participation in American life.

A couple of additional reasons to support the Inhofe official English bill:

  • Four out of five likely voters (84%) agree English should be the official language.
  • The number of U.S. residents who speak English “not well” or “not at all” grew by 65 percent between the 1990 census and the 2000 census. The overall U.S. population grew by 13 percent during the same period.
  • 30 states have passed official English, but federal policies, never approved by Congress, prevent these laws from being meaningfully implemented.

ProEnglish urges you to take a few minutes call and send a free fax message to your Senator using our website. Click here to send a free message. Or, you can be connected to your Senators directly by calling the capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

[H.R. 997 and H.R. 769 are official English bills in the House. Either one of these can serve as House versions of S. 1335. Please tell your representative to support official English. Click here to support H.R. 997.]

Click here to send a message to your Senators, urging them to vote for the Inhofe bill, S.1335!

Sen. Inhofe's bill...

...Declares English the official language of the United States,
and commits the government to preserve and enhance the role of English as the official langauge.

...Ends foreign language entitlements.
Executive Order 13166, issued by President Clinton, and re-affirmed by the Bush administration, mandated that any providers of government-assisted goods or services make any special provisions needed to accommodate recipients who speak languages other than English. This was a novel interpretation of the Civil Rights Act's prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of "national origins." S. 1335 affirms that no-one has an entitlement to government services in foreign languages, unless expressly established by law. If services are provided in foreign languages, the English version of any document is the sole authority for all legal purposes.

...Repeals bilingual voting requirements.
Historically, various immigrant groups were denied access to meaningful education. To redress this situation, lawmakers in 1973 amended the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to require certain localities to provide voting assistance in foreign languages (commonly called "bilingual ballots," although such assistance may be in several languages, and may encompass much more than merely ballots). Today, limited English proficiency exists largely due to high levels of immigration, not discrimination. Yet Congress recently extended the foreign-language voting assistance for 25 years. S. 1335 repeals the "bilingual ballot" provisions to the Voting Rights Act.

...Requires English for new citizens.
S. 1335 requires that all naturalization ceremonies (granting citizenship to immigrants) must be conducted in English.

Exceptions and limitations.
S. 1335 does not override state laws, and expressly does not apply to the use of foreign languages for religious, educational, or training purposes, nor does it prevent the government from providing interpreters to senior citizens.

For more information:
ProEnglish's press release, praising Sen. Inhofe for introducing S. 1335
Official congressional data about S. 1335, from the Library of Congress

Official English Resources
NEW: Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich promotes official English
(including .mp3 sound files of the Hon. Gingrich on language issues.)
Ten Reasons Why We Should Make English the Official Language
ProEnglish's draft official-English bill (for legislators seeking to introduce official English legislation)
Official English news archive
Member Dan Pak argues to Use English to Unite All Americans
Our congressional testimony, concerning Executive Order 13166,
on providing access to people with Limited English Proficiency
(a summary of our argument.)
State profiles page, featuring an interactive map with demographics and official English laws
State-by-state data showing the rapid increase in numbers of those who don't speak English.
The 50 most common minority languages in America.
53 other nations have made English their official language.
The official status of languages in other nations.
The most common languages in each of the states.
Where in America other languages are spoken (ranked by number of speakers,
or percentage of population which speaks that language.)
Famous quotes concerning the need for our common language
Petition endorsing English as an official language
Sample resolution endorsing English as an official language
NEW: ProEnglish's K.C. McAlpin debates Lisa Moran of Rights For All People on "A Closer Look" (outside link)


Blogger Margaret said...

Hi. you drew my attention on the soonerthought blog. I replied, but he hasn't approved it yet.

Anyways, the rest of the world functions just fine with multiple languages & the US gov't already functions solely in English, so I don't understand the HUGE URGENT THREAT! Panic! Run for the hills! The muslims & hispanics are out breeding us! LOL! All those languages together is part of what makes Europe exotic & cool. Don't you want America to be cool? :)

Seriously, I'd think a republican like you would be much more concerned with how your tax dollars are being spent with all this warring & corporate welfare. I miss the good old fiscally conservative republicans.

By the way, I was looking through your movies & from your tastes (Desperado, Kill Bill, etc.) I bet you would like Boondock Saints. Have you seen it? I love that movie.

11:40 PM  
Blogger Margaret said...

Oh, cool, you moderate your comments. So you can delete this one... I didn't find an email addy or private message contact for you & I wanted to give you my reply to your soonerthought post in case he doesn't approve it. I love political debate. :)
LOL! That is too funny!
For a guy who's industry is marketing, redstater sure knows how to turn a person off!

I don't watch TV for US news. Most US media has been consolidated by the neocons- heck they even bought the Washington Post. The bosses pay the salaries & employees want to keep their salaries. Why would they publish something their big boss doesn't want to hear?

Oh, and don't you love the neocon projection technique? When they don't know how to argue, they accuse their opponent of not knowing anything.

My message to redstater would be to troll the internet for news, do some traveling outside the US and talk to common folk (not other tourists.) Basically GET SOME PERSPECTIVE.

11:55 PM  
Blogger RD said...

okay, I'll try and make this short.

Here's some perspective for ya'...

I recognize and understand (have perspective) from your perspective that you hate George Bush enough to believe (and repeat) anything (and everything) which supports that hatred (from your perspective).

YOUR perspective is affected by your viewing the world through BUSH HATING glasses,...(you DO believe algore won in 2000... am I right?)
thought so.
(see I do have, what did you call it?... PERSPECTIVE?)

I view the world through post 9/11 eyes. America was attacked.
Loving or hating Bush has nothing to do with it in my view except he is the current Commander in Chief and I happen to agree (for the most part) with his prosecution of America's response to that attack.

I am looking at things primarily from a conservative American post 9/11 perspective with America's best interest at heart (all Americans), people like you on the other hand are looking at things from a "destroy Bush" perspective and believe it is in America's best interest to do so. (or you really just don't care or haven't thought about it).
So, while you guys are running around with your fingers in your ears and eyes taped shut and repeating lies about Bush to each other for "perspective" and gain power, the rest of the country is more focused on fighting off the Islamic throatcutters, carbombers and would-be Virgin owners that are waging war against America and thereby saving you from NOT ever having to view things from a dead infidel perspective.

Try and wrap your mind around this and when you do, you too will have found that elusive thing called...
well you know.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

Not every liberal is a conspiracy theorist you know. :)

I was born in Montana & Montanans vote for their guy, not the party. A lot of Americans are that way.

I don't hate Bush- he's just an average guy from Texas. The current state of crony capitalism goes way back to the New Deal or before.

Yeah, America was attacked! And it was awful. The war in Afghanistan makes sense- it is where we thought Osama Bin Laden was.

Iraq however had nothing to do with 9/11. And while yes, Iraq had an evil dictator running it, there are LOTS of other countries that had a much larger toll of human suffering like Sudan that REALLY could have used our help at that time.

The UK has lived with daily snipings, threats & carbombs from the IRA for many years & you know what? Most UK police officers don't even carry guns! Their society hasn't fallen into a state of fear. They realize that a few bad apples doesn't mean all Irish are evil throatcutters!

Americans shouldn't succumb to the fear constantly being pushed in the media & by politicians. We are a stronger people than that!

We should take a deep breath & examine the source of that fear before we launch into another war- with Iran.

War with Iran could pull in Russia & China. We don't want another World War. We need to focus on foreign policies that address the resentment much of the middle east has toward us now. (Turn Iraq over to the UN, pour in aid & money.)

And we need to look at who is spreading the fear here in the US- the big corporations. Like me, you are self-employed & THAT is some good freedom. Americans need a lot more of you & a lot less of crony-run big corporations.

11:58 AM  
Blogger RD said...

As far as the best reason to have an official (but not mandatory for all) language is that it forces people to come together (speaking the same terminology) and communicate their ideas to a larger number of people, who otherwise would only have their opinion heard by those speaking their particular language.
This unified central format (English) provides far-far greater "opportunity" than it poses any evil restriction or fear whatsoever.

Those that oppose it would hold back the poor and oppressed.

People will speak at home whatever they speak at home, businesses are free to print their menu's in any language they want... or in all languages if they want.

But as a government and as a nation, communication and language are key elements in what makes a country a country and not a bunch of babbling morons each speaking in their genetic country of origin native tongue...not understanding why they don't understand each other better.

Language, Culture and Borders, without it, you ain't nothing.

12:21 PM  
Blogger RD said...

Could you imagine if we all spoke different languages on the comments section on blogs in America even?

Commentby Fritz:
Der frühere Vizekanzler Gorbach hat am Freitag bestritten, sich in seinem Brief an den britischen Finanzminister Alistair Darling um einen Job beworben zu haben.

Reply by anon...
Des députés et sénateurs libéraux exigent la démission de Jamie Carroll à la suite de propos controversés qu'il aurait tenus sur les Québécois.

Reply to anon and Fritz by Jose'...
El presidente del Gobierno español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, afirmó hoy que escuchará al lehendakari, Juan José Ibarretxe, tras su anuncio de un referéndum sobre el derecho a decidir de los...

Sounds pretty normal.

2:32 PM  
Blogger RD said...

Okay Meza, sometimes it takes a little while to separate some liberals from the LOUD, controlling majority of liberals.

Comparing the Irish with Islamic Jihad shows the depth of which you have (not) thought about this.
There is a lot more to this than tactics and for you to even compare the two is cause enough for me to discount your entire point of view.

However, being the kind and caring conservative that I am, I am willing to work with you, providing you are able to try and observe things from a different perspective shall we say?

There seems to be some things you've overlooked or not been shown. As I said, I'm happy to help you out.

I love Montana and have spent considerable time there...Helena, Boseman, Missoula ahhhh

2:46 PM  
Blogger RD said...

But let's try and stick to the topic of this thread... there are plenty of my posts for you to read and tell me where i'm wrong instead of just accusing me of drinking neocon koolaid or attacking my marketing ability...
(BTW- I got you to post didn't i?) Sold.

3:13 PM  
Blogger RD said...

Hey Meza, please repost your comment about staying up all night worrying about terrorists in prison... if they are alright and all.

I accidentally hit the wrong button,

But if your question was should they be forced to speak english, i would say no, but they could certainly learn it when they are not busy waterboarding and wearing panties on their heads and giving up information that leads to capture or death of other throatcutters... sure why not?

I'm all about opportunity.
sorry again for deleting your post, hope I've answered your question.

10:21 PM  

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