Monday, February 04, 2008

AABM Almost Anyone* But McCain (*except Ron Paul)

Okay Oklahoma conservatives, let's talk.
We may not have our "ideal candidate", but we should know who we don't want and can't afford by now. We cannot afford to put Ron Paul in charge of the Republican Party much less the free world. Paul seeks to pull the Republican party toward the Libertarian/Populist side of life to the extreme. His foreign policy is to mind our own business and wait for the attack. But don't worry in the event of an emergency, there won't be any government to get in the way as Paul would seek to abolish most or all government agencies.... except of course his job.

John McCain seeks to pull the Republican Party to the left toward the Democrat party.
Any candidate... especially a so-called conservative who considered running on the Democrat ticket with John Kerry in 04 (as McCain did) and currently has the 2000 Democrat VP candidate campaigning with him (as Joe Lieberman is doing) cannot be seriously considered by any voter calling himself/herself "a conservative Republican".

So, for goodness sakes Oklahoma, please vote for Mitt or vote for Huckabee, but don't vote for "The Maverick" tomorrow.
One could argue (as Mark Mosier on KTOK 1000AM has) that since Huckabee is the only candidate who has polled higher than McCain here, that therefore a vote for Romney is wasted and thus a vote for Huckabee actually ends up helping Romney nationally or at least hurting McCain.
Whatever... vote and vote AABM... Almost Anyone* (*except Ron Paul) But McCain !!!!


Blogger Simplydannygirl said...

Where was everyone before. How come they waited and said nothing about voting for Duncan Hunter. Now look at terrible choices we have.


I'm never voting Romeny!


11:52 AM  
Blogger RD said...

Here is the deal, the only way we are going to beat the Maverick is to get behind whoever is in 2nd place in that state.

Splitting the conservative vote between Romney and Huckabee is what has allowed McCain to sneak out front.

8:47 AM  
Blogger Simplydannygirl said...

I hear you Red. I'm thinking there is method to your madness. I'm leaning myself. Only cause I don't want to see any of the Dems in office.

Do we loose our integrity though? Gotta go out and vote soon. If I See Hunter still on the ballat. I think I'm still voting for him.

I'm a right to lifer!

Arrgh! No voice.............


11:09 AM  
Blogger RD said...

go with your heart danny.
God Bless ya'

2:03 PM  
Blogger Simplydannygirl said...

Hey Red,

What goes on? Mc Cain wins in your state. He won in mine too.

Did you read the article "Duncan Hunter or the mark of Mc Cain"?

I did I kept my integrity.
I'll awlays be a right to lifer!

Romney or Mc Cain? All bad.

Romney: China Trade, Abortion, father to illegal ailiens, Homosexuals "Log Cabin" buddy. and it has nothing to do with Abraham Lincoln. But everything to do with "Broke Back Mountian". Romney is a sociopath. He will lie to our faces. Hunter warned Romney will put the US at a security risk with China.

Mc Cain: Well, we already know where he stands.

Huckabee: Is the least dangerous and we can work with Huck like Duncan Hunter said.

Dems, Mc Cain, and Romney all bad bad bad.

God Bless you Red


9:10 PM  
Blogger RD said...

I'm with ya' danny...
I think the only way to defeat McCain now is for Romney and Huckabee to combine though.

9:44 AM  
Blogger Simplydannygirl said...


What if no one gets the 1116 delegates they need? Tell me the Process. What happens then. What is the rules???

Romney is no good. I will not respect Huckabee if he teams up with him. Besides Huckabee and Romney dislike eachother.

Im getting this feeling, even dreams, Duncan Hunter is about to speak on some things. I hope.


11:18 AM  
Blogger Simplydannygirl said...

Hi red,

Please forgive me. I heard Romney is about to end his campaign. Not that I care. wasn't going to ever vote for him anyway. Good riddence! Get to stepping Romney!

I was wrong Red. It would take miracle or a curse, I don't know, for Mike Huckabee to win. But, Huckabee has no character. He would be no diffirent than George w. Bush. I was listeining to him last night. He was still hinting towards a immigration reform and trade and prosperity. The guy could not wait until he was in the White House. He looked a little angry like he was determined to go back on the promises he made and have his own way. Let me understand this, we elect a Presidential candidate to fulfill his own agenda? So, now I'm royally confused. The Church does want see or deal with the deviousiness or flaw in Huckabee's character. They think a man who cuddles illegal aliens giving them a college education with "in state' tuition, college grants, welfare benfits, and amenesty for them and their entire familes would also be man who would end abortion. I believe God is giving this Nation to it's lust. They don't really want Duncan Hunter anywhere near the White House.

So, it's duncan Hunter or the mark of Mc Cain.

I pray God will revive his work in the mist of the years.


Dumb Founded

3:16 PM  
Blogger RD said...

If no single candidate has a clear majority they go to a brokered convention and then it's let's make a deal time... anything goes basically.

It does open up the opportunity for an outside candidate to bring both or all sides together.

Duncan Hunter was considered to be that dark horse candidate for a long time... until he dropped out and endorsed Huckabee that is.

Anything is possible if we get to convention without a clear winner.

8:12 PM  

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