Red Stater In Denver for the big Obamarama
There should be a neverending supply!
First up is Denver's "big blue bear" costing nearly 1/2 million dollars, this "work of art" is several stories tall and is moved (at an unknown taxpayer expense) around from building to building peering in the windows. According to Denver's illustrious mayor John Higgenlooper "the big blue bear" has many hidden meanings.
The only meaning I can see, isn't hidden at all,... it's just a retarded idea.
Labels: Obamarama in Denver
Wow, how did you wind up there at this point in time?
I've been checking in on this blog from time-to-time, glad to see you started it back up.
I believe we have much more in common than we ever differed upon.
Hey... I am all about bringing you all the first-hand story of the big obamaramafest here in the Mile High City.
Did we differ on something?
"Did we differ on something?"
Only on several things/people: Hunter, the origin of oil, Ron Paul, how to win friends/influence ememies, the war, etc.
Ahhso, well then let's solve that.
1- Hunter is out, not a factor.
2- oil comes from dino blood or plankton or it is a byproduct of the earths core activity or comes from french fries.
3- $ wins friends, the threat of losing $ influences enemies.
4- we won
5 etc? I can't address that one.
And sincerely:
Thank you for stopping by Mike, I look forward to your comments in the future.
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