Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sarah Palin has Democrats "All Shook Up"

From The LA Times...

"The emergence of Sarah Palin as a political force in the presidential race has left many top Democrats fretting that, just two weeks after their convention ended on an emotional high, Barack Obama's campaign has suddenly lost its stride."

"Obama over the last two days has begun vigorously attacking Palin for decisions she made as governor and has tried to tarnish her image as a political maverick and reformer

"...some Democrats are now worried about the perils of Obama's strategy, saying that his campaign, instead of engaging the Alaska governor, should avoid any move that draws more attention to her and could enhance her appeal among the white, blue-collar voters who remain cool to Obama's candidacy."

"Concern among Democrats was high enough Tuesday that Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), one of Obama's strongest supporters, felt it necessary to cite historical polling data at a lunch of Democratic senators to convince them that post-convention "bounces," such as the one that has followed last week's GOP convention, have often faded in past elections."

"Democrats expressed anxiety about the new challenge suggested by recent surveys showing McCain has gained ground among independent voters and women, who could decide the race in states such as Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Virginia."

"Whenever you see that kind of movement, you ought to be concerned"; said Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), a strong Obama backer."

"David Bonior, the former Michigan congressman who managed Democrat John Edwards' unsuccessful presidential bid, called the new poll findings a "real concern," adding: "We can't lose white women and expect to do well in this race."

One Democratic operative familiar with the campaign's deliberations worried that the "freshness, newness and aura around Barack has been eclipsed."
..."The campaign has been knocked off stride."

"Democrats expected Palin to "have the opposite effect" and drag McCain down... (and when they discover they are wrong) ..."that shakes people up."

The two Democrats, like others interviewed for this story, requested anonymity in order to speak about internal campaign strategy.

(Yet Some Democrats never learn...)
"Some Democrats are eager for Obama to be even harder on Palin."

One Democratic strategist added that accusing Palin of being a liar is "a long way from their core brand and shows that they haven't found the answer of how to deal with her."

(And some Democrats are just in denial...)
"Campaign manager David Plouffe dismissed Palin's potency so far, saying she had been relying on scripted speeches and was doing little more than energizing the GOP's core conservative base."

(-red s tater)



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