Sunday, November 09, 2008

MEMO To Oklahoma Magazine, It's Okay, I Don't Read Your Stuff Either

I noticed on a fellow Oklahoma bloggers website that Oklahoma Magazine did a "Best 75 Oklahoma Blogs" list.... but amazingly Red Stater wasn't on that list of predominately left leaning sites in spite of the fact that this Red Stater rates in the top 10 consistently on BNN's "Most Influential Blogs" ratings.

In fact I didn't see any of the excellent hard-hitting conservative blogs listed that counter extreme leftwing bloggers like Okie Funk and Peace Areana.

LOL, actually the truth is... I didn't know there was an "Oklahoma Magazine"... so it's okay, I don't read their stuff either.

Congratulations to Mike McCarville... in my opinion, the best all-round blogger in Oklahoma- period.



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