Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Most Republican House Members Agree With Limbaugh On Stimulus Plan

The lefties are swarming. Bloggers are blogging, they found a Republican to refute Rush Limbaugh (they think). They are scrambling to get the post up... like our own Brad Neese for example, without getting the "rest of the story".

Here is the rest of the story on one Phil Gingrey (R) GA.
From The Peach Pundit Blog.

By Erick...
On Phil Gingrey and Rush Limbaugh.

"I ran a primary campaign against Phil Gingrey in 2002. Sadly, we lost in the runoff. Back then we accurately characterized him as an unimaginative whore to leadership. Of course then in a Democrat controlled Georgia state legislature, Phil was always the first Republican in line to kowtow to Democrat Governor Roy Barnes. Everybody knew Phil would be the first Republican to sell out the caucus to the Governor in the state legislature.

Nothing has changed. You should not extrapolate from Gingrey’s comments that the average Republican member of the House of Representatives feels that way. I hear from dozens of them daily and they all think Rush is right. That’s exactly why Boehner has shifted to full opposition against the stimulus package.

During the farm bill debate in 2007, the Georgia Republicans in the House made a pact to stick together and vote against the bill. Going into it, they intended to. But then someone pointed out to them that if they had state wide ambitions, they needed to support the farm bill. It was, of course, fatuous nonsense. But Gingrey promptly marched down to the floor and voted for the farm bill, betraying the rest of his colleagues (Kingston voted for it too, but everyone knew he would given the massive amount of farmers in his district lobbying him. Gingrey had zero farmers).

So don’t be surprised by this. Just note that should Gingrey ever run state wide in Georgia we’ll actively oppose him."- Erick

UPDATE: 11:40 CST- Congressman Phil Gingrey just called Rush Limbaugh on the air and issued an apology saying " I was wrong", "I put my foot in my mouth", "it was a stupid comment"... and "you (el Rushbo) were right, the Presidents stimulus plan is nothing more than a grow government plan with nothing in it to stimulate the economy".

From a statement just released by Phil Gingrey: "Regardless of what yesterday’s headline may have read, I never told Rush to back off. I regret and apologize for the fact that my comments have offended and upset my fellow conservatives—that was not my intent. I am also sorry to see that my comments in defense of our Republican Leadership read much harsher than they actually were intended, but I recognize it is my responsibility to clarify my own comments."

I look forward to Mr. Neese's next post headline: "GOP To Limbaugh- You are Correct Sir".

UPDATE #2- 5:02pm CST- In fairness to the Brad Neese Livin' Large blog, the post was later updated with a new post linked to the same statement as above from Congressman Gingrey.

Way to go Brad!



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