Thursday, May 14, 2009

Leftist's Blueprint for GOP

Lib's and lefties love telling conservatives how we should (or shouldn't) be living our lives... and meanwhile claim it is conservatives who want to control everyone as lefties tell you what kind of car to drive, what color of car to drive, what fuel to run in your car, when to drive it, how you must heat your home, what to eat, what to think and what you can and cannot say, when and where you can and cannot pray... and if you don't agree with them... even if you are in the majority... they will just tax it (or you) out of existence.

If we conservatives would just give up our old worn out ways... throw down our guns and burn our Bibles, discard traditions like marriage and traditional family values and all become homosexuals, go on an unborn baby-killing frenzy, park our cars and SUV's forever, turn over all profits to the government to help the lazy, throw the rich under the bus and back it over them, throw the constitution under the bus and back over it, trash the individual for the sake of the masses, convert our homes to total electric, convert private property to government property for the good of the masses, use only one-square of toilet paper and stop fighting back against our enemies who really just want to be our friends before they destroy and kill us.... tax the rich and feed the poor till there are no rich no more... then, maybe... just maybe we would be acceptable conservatives then?


Blogger Wayne Rohde said...

Great article. But we also need to point out our weaknesses.

Conservatives in state government tend to like using taxpayer money to solve problems. OK just passed tort reform with a condition to use taxpayer money to create a contingency fund to handle tort claims above $400K.

Other states raid road and bridge funds to balance the budget. Some conservatives in states like OK and others like to say no to special needs children and their attempts to ask for insurance coverage. Thus, forcing them on the state paid for health care system.

We need to address those weaknesses before we can move forward.

5:52 PM  
Blogger RD said...

Excellent point Wayne, thank you for stopping by and commenting.

10:10 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

Red, my post (the one that you are reacting to here with your post) was a series of observations of the behaviors and beliefs that I have witnessed espoused by conservatives. I wasn’t telling anyone what they should or should not believe or stand for. I was making observations on what conservatives do and say. You do this on a daily basis with liberals. Why it is okay for you to make observations of the left, but others can’t make observations of the right is beyond me (and basically proves my point).

10:44 AM  
Blogger RD said...

uhhh I think you're saying it's not okay for me to make observations on what liberals say and do (like telling conservatives what we should say and do) while you are making observations on what conservatives say and do and in the process misrepresenting what we do stand for.

I disagree with your assessment.

btw- I think it's perfectly okay for me to make observations on anything I choose.... including something you post. I found it odd that you and otter and Jeninne Garaffalo (sp?) like to preach to conservatives about where we are wrong, but rarely if ever do the same to your own ilk.

Sure... you throw in a line about someday you will critique the left the same way... but that it is subject for "another post", but somehow that other post just never comes about does it?

11:53 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

Red said: “Sure... you throw in a line about someday you will critique the left the same way... but that it is subject for "another post", but somehow that other post just never comes about does it?”

Are you trying to piss me off here Red, because that is a totally a-hole-ish thing to say to me. I have made negative commentary on the left TONS on times and you have praised me for it. Yet you forget those times in order to get a cheap shot it. Nice work.

Read said: “uhhh I think you're saying it's not okay for me to make observations on what liberals say and do (like telling conservatives what we should say and do) while you are making observations on what conservatives say and do and in the process misrepresenting what we do stand for.”

No that is not what I am saying. Good lord you can be obtuse. You told me that I was “telling conservatives how we should (or shouldn't) be living our lives” and I was correcting you. I was also pointing out the irony and the hypocrisy that you are CONSTANTING telling liberals what they believe, yet you can’t take it when someone makes observations about conservatives. What a joke man.

You can dish it out Red, but you sure can’t take it. And as soon as someone does point something out to you about conservatives, the right, or your own hypocrisy you either twist their words around, start saying things :well liberals do…”, or you just never respond. Get off your high horse and take off the blinders.

12:01 PM  
Blogger RD said...

Not on a horse, no blinders... and no I don't check back several weeks later to see what someone tossed at me in a comment over at someone else's blog.

I haven't noticed a post about the left attacking our rights... the left wants to control what we eat, control what we say, what we think, read, listen to, control what we drive, what color our car is, when we can drive it, control how we heat and cool our home, control how much money we make and how we make it, destroy the meaning of marriage, destroy unborn life, but protect terrorists hellbent on killing us and protect mass murderers from justice.

Yet you found the time to post on whats wrong with conservatism... sounds pretty fair and balanced to me.

Remember... I don't claim to be fair or balanced. Just truthful.

12:25 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Red said: “and no I don't check back several weeks later to see what someone tossed at me in a comment over at someone else's blog.”

Yet you take the time to post comments on damn near everything I do on my blog. In fact, on the months when you go off and disappear from the blogging world, the number of comments posted on my blog drops by probably 50-75%.

Red said: “I haven't noticed a post about the left attacking our rights…”

Oh you haven’t noticed the posts where I criticize the environmental movement and Barack Obama? You’re either a liar or have a really bad memory because I seem to remember you commenting on those posts.

And just so you know, I’m working on a post about modern liberalism right now.

Let me ask you a question though Red. I know that you are a good guy, husband, and father, yet you insist on acting like a complete poop face online. Why is that? I’m sure it has something to do with the fact that you fall into the Dominant/Hostile category and these are just the knee jerk reactions that come naturally to you, but why do you have to treat those who you claim to respect like they are walking dirt? I know many people that have read your stuff that have asked me why I bother continuing to have conversations with you. My response has always been that it is because I know deep down you’re not a prick. Unfortunately your online behavior does not reinforce my opinion. Yesterday you really pissed me off. I know that you are going to try and laugh all of this off and tell me to lighten up (like you always do) but this crap is getting old and honestly I’m not sure if I have the energy to keep it up. We can disagree and get into heated debates, but you ALWAYS fall back on being a jerk and that is not only frustrating but it is personally insulting. I’d like to continue the conversation with you Red, but not if you are going to continue to treat me like I’m some low-life scum bag.

10:05 AM  
Blogger RD said...

Alright dave... I apologize. If you like I can let your comments drop back to just you, brad and otter.... but a lot of their comments at your site are directed at me or mine ....but I don't think I treat you like some low-life scumbag... I certainly don't mean to....have you seen my posts about Kurt Hochenauer/doc hoc/Okie Funk?
Remember Sooner Thought or Kittenstomper...etc.
Now there are some genuine low-life scumbags for you and an example of how I treat scumbags.

Like I said earlier... you are not the only lefty trying to tell conservatives how to be conservatives and not all my comments or posts are directed at you by any stretch of the imagination.

11:17 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

Apology accepted.

1:31 PM  

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