Monday, June 29, 2009

Okie Funk Should Post Free Healthcare Locations Instead of Pushing Political Agenda

Hat-tip to Otter Limits.

College Professor/Blogger/Democrat Political Pundit/Okie Funk/dochoc's most recent opinion piece calls for health-care reform in Oklahoma.
"If there is one particular place in dire need of healthcare reform, it’s surely Oklahoma. The state consistently ranks low in health studies and access to medical care."-dochoc
Steve at Otter Limits has a good take on how wrong dochoc at Okie Funk blog is on this subject so I won't add to his analysis... except one thing, as a public service to blogs like Okie Funk and college professors and the general public at large, I will RE-POST for the third time (with a permanent link over in the right sidebar) the list of FREE or low cost (pay only what you can afford) medical health-care facilities in the Oklahoma City area.

Hey "Doctor" Kurt... how about instead of lying to people to push your own political agenda you post the locations where people can get free or low cost medical care in the OKC area for any illness or problem right now and actually HELP SOMEONE for a change?

Doesn't fit your selfish partisan political template? I didn't think so.

The list:

We (OU Medical Center) are just one of many organizations that provide some free or low-cost healthcare services in our community. Here is a list of some of the other organizations that serve the medically needy in the Metro area. This list is provided for your convenience and does not constitute a recommendation of any specific organization or provider. Remember to ALWAYS call first to see if you, or your family member, can qualify and when you can be seen. All of these providers follow business rules regarding who qualifies for their services.

The following may provide one or more services, including: Children’s Services, Dental Care, Eye Care & Glasses, General Care, Medication Assistance, Mental Health Services, or Women’s Services.

Download Printable PDF Version of OU Med Ctr. Partial List

Baptist Mission
(children’s services, general care, women’s services)
2125 Exchange Ave, Oklahoma City | 235-6162

Charity Eye Clinic
(eye care & glasses)
701 NW 8th, Oklahoma City | 236-5212

(children’s services, general care, women’s services)
3815 N Santa Fe, Suite 122, Oklahoma City | 524-8100

Community Action Agency
(eye care & glasses)
1900 NW 10th, Oklahoma City | 232-0199

Community Vision Clinic
(eye care & glasses)
3840 N Lincoln, Oklahoma City | 473-7430

County Pharmacy
(medication assistance)
7401 NE 23rd, Oklahoma City | 713-1893

Good Shepherd Ministries
(children’s services, dental care, general care, women’s services)
222 NW 12th, Oklahoma City | 232-8631

Guild of St. George
(medication assistance)
117 NW 7th, Oklahoma City | 235-3436

Healing Hands Health Care
(children’s services, general care, women’s services)
411 NW 11th, Oklahoma City | 272-0476

Health For Friends
(children’s services, dental care, eye care & glasses, general care, women’s services)
317 E Himes St, Norman | 329-4161

Hope Center Health Clinic
(children’s services, general care, women’s services)
7 N Broadway, Edmond | 348-4680

Hope Community Service
(mental health services)
Oklahoma City | 632-1900

Lion’s Eye Bank
(eye care & glasses)
4123 NW 10th, Oklahoma City | 557-1393 or 947-6540 for glasses

Little Flower Clinic
(children’s services, general care, women’s services)
11th and N. Walker, Oklahoma City | 235-7055

Mary Mahoney Memorial Health Center
(children’s services, general care, women’s services)
12716 NE 36th, Oklahoma City | 769-3301

Medication Assist
(medication assistance)
711 Stanton L Young, #700, Oklahoma City | 228-3200

Ministries of Jesus
(children’s services, general care, women’s services)
3456 S Boulevard, Edmond | 340-7400

Neighborhood Service Organization
(dental care)
614 NE 4th, Oklahoma City | 236-0413

North Care Center – Adults
(mental health services)
1140 N Hudson, Oklahoma City | 272-0660

North Care Center – Children
(mental health services)
NW 50th & Meridian, Oklahoma City | 858-2700

Oklahoma City County Health Department
(children’s services, general care, women’s services)
921 NE 23rd, Oklahoma City | 427-8651

Oklahoma City County Health Department West
(children’s services, women’s services)
4330 NW 10th, Oklahoma City | 419-4150

Oklahoma Community Health Service
(children’s services, dental care, general care, women’s services)
1025 Straka Terrace, Oklahoma City | 632-6688

Olivet Baptist Church
(children’s services, dental care, eye care & glasses, general care, women’s services)
1201 NW 10th, Oklahoma City | 951-2645

Project Woman
(mammograms only - women’s services)
Central Oklahoma | 604-4642

Rx for Oklahoma
(medication assistance)
1125 E Main Street, Norman | 701-8216

St. Charles Catholic Church
(children’s services, general care, women’s services)
5024 N Grove, Oklahoma City | 789-2595

University of Oklahoma School of Dentistry
(dental care)
1201 Stonewall Ave, Oklahoma City | 271-6056

Variety Health Center- Downtown
(prenatal care, family planning)
420 NW 6th, Oklahoma City | 235-6466

Variety Health Center- Lafayette
( pediatrics)
500 SW 44th Oklahoma City /235-6466

Variety Health Center- Mid Del
(prenatal, children’s services, women’s services)
3851 Tinker Diagonal, Del City | 677-1129

Please comment if you are aware of any closings, additions or changes to the list.
Note: The list for Denver CO is about 3-4x this long and considering the population difference is about right.


Blogger Otter Limits said...

Hey Red, I know you probably gave me this list before but you can you get me a link to where I can find free or low-cost health care in the Seattle area?

12:02 PM  
Blogger RD said...

Free and low cost health-care in Seattle WA.

* Free and Low-Cost Health Insurance List from King County
* Washington State 211: Community Resources Online Database
* The Virtual College's Health Care Resource List for the Seattle area
* Communi-Chi - a community acupuncture clinic that offers treatments on a sliding scale from $15-35.
* Public Health Dental Clinics managed by King County
* King County's list of Community Health Centers, dental and general health
* The Seattle PI's list of where to find low-cost dental care

12:32 PM  
Blogger RD said...

Here is another list for ya too...

Free and low-cost health-care list (Seattle Crisis Directory)

12:35 PM  
Blogger RD said...

Hey Otter... my wife used to work at one of those facilities I listed in OKC and I can tell you the care was first rate. They operated from private donations, corporate donations and with support from the United Way and others.. they didn't embarrass anyone or have undue restrictions or even ask whether you are a citizen or not.

Also, even the most expensive hospital in town cannot refuse to help someone who is in serious trouble, nor do they.

America already HAS free healthcare as I've been screaming for years now.

3:39 PM  
Blogger Otter Limits said...

Absolutely. I can't think of a hospital out there that can out right refuse to treat someone for lack of insurance or lack of funds.

The downside to that is that this is one of the main causes that our health care costs are so high these days. The hospitals have to make up for the money they are losing by treating patients that can't pay anything. That and they have to make up for the ridiculously low contracted rates from Medicare.

5:13 PM  
Blogger RD said...

Very true... insurance is a sometimes just a scam, there is also a drain on our medical system from the 12-20 million illegal aliens in this country utilizing it to the full extent.

5:36 PM  

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