Friday, July 10, 2009

Sofistikated Demokratz Stille Kant Fihnd Spel Chekc Buten

Boy that George W Bush was "stupid".... good thing we've got smart, educated, refined, polished Democrats running things now.

"Misspellings continued to plague the Obama administration on Thursday, after two more releases containing errors were sent to reporters in the last 24 hours."

After misspelling the president's own name as "Barak Obama" yesterday on an official document sent to reporters, the General Services Administration messed up another message when announcing it had awarded an $18 million contract to redesign the website keeping track of spent stimulus dollars.

" Version 2.0 $18 Million Contract Awarded," the release's subject line read.

The White House also sent out a release containing a typo in its joint statement from White House and the spokesman for U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown about the leader between Obama and the British PM today.

"The Prime Minister wlecomed the President's plans for a nuclear security conference in 2010," the sentence read.

Meanwhile VP Joe Biden is still searching for "the number" to the website... but in defense he says he also still has trouble remembering the number to dial for 911.


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