Saturday, August 08, 2009

Democrats Are Sick and Tired...

Democrats are "sick and tired" of all those unpatriotic people who oppose this administration....


Blogger Dave said...

Oh the irony…

10:17 AM  
Blogger RD said...

Ironic, hypocritical, double standard... Democrats?

Welcome to our world.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

It's not just Democrats Red. The whole lot is that way.

12:36 PM  
Blogger RD said...

I wish that in my world, Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Reid were exactly like Bush, Cheney and company... unfortunately for me, that reality only exists in your world.

But let's say they are both hypocritical liars...
I'll take my hypocritical lying capitalist Republic(an) patriots over your hypocritical lying socialist Democrat(ic) enviro-wacko's any day and every day.


1:23 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Wow... Not only was that personally insulting but it was mind numbingly foolish as well. I'm glad that I don't live in your world. No offense.

1:34 PM  
Blogger RD said...

I would say... no problem, except I am forced to live in your world controlled by the hypocritical lying socialist enviro-wacko leftist Democrats... so you do in fact live in that same world, you either just don't care... choose to ignore it or approve.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Your brilliant and objective analysis wins again. I any to your superiority.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Seriously though...what's gotten your panties in a wad this fine day? You are ripping into me like crazy and I'm not really sure why (other than I happen to be the closest liberal to unleash your wrath upon).

1:48 PM  
Blogger RD said...

I'm more of a boxer shorts guy... but I wasn't really ripping into you. Just pointing out the way things are in this wild wacky world we live in.

BTW- Is Hillary still sick and tired?

9:27 PM  
Blogger Otter Limits said...

It is disgusting to me how people that are opposed to the current administration and its policies are deemed unpatriotic simply for voicing their opposition.

Apparently, those who originally fought for this country and died to create this country for us were unpatriotic because they stood up to the current administration.

Hey Hillary, ever read something called American History? It's good. You should check it out sometime.

10:11 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Red --
I don’t care if you think it is boxing or fly fishing. The fact is that after reading most of your comments yesterday I literally yelled profanities at my phone. I’m not your punching bag and I’m being nothing but polite and respectful to you. I now your shtick is to be a snarky, sarcastic jerk but honestly it is getting old and I’ve done nothing to deserve it.

Steve –
“It is disgusting to me how people that are opposed to the current administration and its policies are deemed unpatriotic simply for voicing their opposition.”

I agree 100%. Unfortunately the previous administration and their talking heads did this very same thing, yet very few on the right had a problem with it. This is why I hate politicians and political talking heads.

9:41 AM  
Blogger RD said...

Boxing... fly fishing?

You said I had my panties in a bunch and I said I'm more of a boxer shorts kinda' guy and you got "fly fishing" from that? lol

Is that some kind of gay joke?

Anyway, I'm being nice to you this week so.. no snarky sarcastic critical comments from me.

I respect your opinion and understand how you might feel that way and I'm sorry to upset you.

3:28 PM  
Blogger RD said...

To be fair I must point out without being disrespectful that we didn't say disagreeing with the Bush administration was un-American or un-patriotic... what we said, and I stand by this, is that those who cheered for America's defeat in the war are in fact un-American and un-Patriotic.

There is a difference in my opinion.

I know plenty of patriots who disagreed with the Bush admin regarding how the war was executed and conducted... thankfully however the result cannot be disputed.


3:38 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

“To be fair I must point out without being disrespectful that we didn't say disagreeing with the Bush administration was un-American or un-patriotic... what we said, and I stand by this, is that those who cheered for America's defeat in the war are in fact un-American and un-Patriotic.”

That’s what YOU said, but others on the right said otherwise. This is the problem with making blanket statements about those on the left or the right and how they may or may not speak for the left or the right. By stating “we didn’t…” you are claiming that you are either speaking for the right or implying that all on the right agree with you and that just isn’t the case.

Fly fishing was just something random that I thought of. It meant nothing really. I was going for humor with that one. :o)

10:24 AM  
Blogger RD said...

Who said disagreeing with President Bush was unAmerican?

Besides those on the left accusing the right of saying that.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

I heard Hannity say things of that nature on a number of occasions. I’ve heard Savage call liberals un-American tons of times.

Wait…let me check myself real quick. These people have said being a liberal was un-American, not that disagreeing with Bush specifically was un-American (but they did say that at times, depending on the issue).

8:32 AM  
Blogger RD said...

You heard Hannity say opposing victory by your own country during a time of war is unAmerican... yes.

I agree with that statement.

If... by being a liberal one means in favor of implementing a socialist state in place of the current American capitalist free market system... then yes I think that would qualify as un-American.

With all due respect.

8:54 PM  

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