Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Hillary Clinton: "I am Sick And Tired..."

Michelle Malkin hits the nail on the head regarding Democrats claiming mere dissenters at Obama's Town Hall Healthcare pep rallies are now somehow "vigilantes" and "mobs".

"Showing up at a congressional town hall and booing a talking points-programmed political hack isn’t “civic vigilantism.” Throwing rocks, pouring cement on train tracks, blocking military shipments, smashing windows, hurling paint, slashing tires, vandalizing businesses, and throwing shoes are vigilante acts.

That is what the anti-war, anti-free trade, anti-Bush mobsters did over the last eight years – and there wasn’t a peep about those brute tactics from Obama’s blogging pals.

They sat quietly while Code Pink disrupted hearings on the Hill and harassed Marine recruiters.

They looked the other way when ACORN illegally broke into homes and stormed foreclosure auctions.

They gave their tacit approval to self-declared “bank terrorists” like Boston housing entitlement organizer Bruce Marks, who show up at the schools of bank executives’ children and bullies them because of their parents’ employment in the name of social justice.

Now, the taxpayers footing the bill for Obama’s redistribution of health and wealth are silent no more – and the unhinged Left is beside itself. The “thoughtful” left-wing response to the Tea Party counterinsurgency can best be summed up by hysterical Hollywood actress Janeane Garafolo, who railed last week: “F**ng redneck d**chebaggery. Unmitigated d**chebaggery.”

It’s not the town halls that have gone wild.

It’s the Tea Party-bashers who can’t tolerate peaceful, open dissent."

Read Entire Article HERE

BTW- Hillary Clinton is "sick and tired"...


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