Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"We Are Fighting Al Qaeda ...and They Lost" !

Two (correction, Three) back-to-back-to back posts by Engram over at BACK TALK who is a research professor, registered Democrat and self professed liberal are absolutely brilliant (as usual) and I challenge anti-war Bush haters to refute his data.
"Bring it on".
Engram goes to great detail and research using the actual numbers provided by anti-Bush leftwingers themselves to demonstrate irrefutably and convince even the most skeptical of you that the Petraeus Report is dead-on accurate with his...
"Leftwing Conformation of the Petraeus Report".
"There continues to be a raging debate about the validity of the report given by General Petraeus, which supposedly documented declining civilian casualties in Iraq. Skepticism about the numbers reported by Petraeus is seriously misplaced... and today I think I will be able to convince you of that. In fact, I'm going to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt."

Using their own numbers, Engram does just that.

With data supplied from anti-war leftwing body count groups, Engram confirms the Petraeus Report and disproves claims that the "books were cooked" in favor of the surge and just as importantly in todays post goes on to show exactly how and the others may have "cooked the books" themselves with manipulated graphs and misrepresented data.

Why is the surge working and who are we fighting?
Back-Talk also gives us the cold hard facts on AQI directly from the war with "We are fighting Al Qaeda and They Lost" in the words of Lt. Col Mike Silverman in the Anbar province, again proving who we are fighting and how it is really going right now.

Lt. Col. Silverman (when asked):
“What’s the most important thing Americans need to know about Iraq that they don’t currently know?”

“That we’re fighting Al Qaeda,”
he said without hesitation. “[Abu Musab al] Zarqawi invented Al Qaeda in Iraq. The top leadership outside Iraq squawked and thought it was a bad idea. Then he blew up the Samarra mosque, triggered a civil war, and got the whole world’s attention. Then the Al Qaeda leadership outside dumped huge amounts of money and people and arms into Anbar Province. They poured everything they had into this place. The battle against Americans in Anbar became their most important fight in the world. And they lost.”

Engram adds..."That's about as succinct a summary of my last 300 blog posts as you'll ever find! All facts support this analysis, and I have cited the relevant evidence many, many times. Those who don't know this are uninformed, yet many have strong opinions about Iraq anyway. That doesn't make sense to me. If you are going to have a strong opinion about Iraq, you should at least know the basics.".

The data confirms ...
"Al Qaeda was directly responsible for the dramatic rise in civilian casualties in Iraq over the last 18 months or so (i.e., they served as the accelerant), and the suppression of al Qaeda -- if it continues -- will be the reason why casualties come down".
If you read the first part of this post and visited the links then you already know that according to even the most anti-Bush leftwing body counters and funeral chasers... the casualties are trending downward... and now you also know why.

Congratulations and gratitude should also go out to those tribal leaders and Iraqi citizens that have helped make this a big victory for them and a huge loss for Al Qaeda and other Islamic extremists.

Whether you hate Bush and don't understand who we are fighting in Iraq and want the straight scoop OR if you love Bush and want the straight scoop on the current situation in Iraq, BACKTALK is a MUST READ for anyone desiring to have a more informed opinion on the war.

I challenge UCO's Okie Funk's Dr. Kurt Hochenauer or any of these other illustrious anti-war college professors or even one of the Daily Kosers or AirheadAmericans, or moveon.orgers, who believe the ad, to review, debate, acknowledge (or even read) Engram's well documented analysis on the subject of Iraq.

If you are able to post on their hate-sites (I am not of course, excepting Rodger A Payne's site where to his credit I have not been banned) then please, by all means deliver my challenge with this note..."put-up or shut-up". (I will deliver the message to Dr. Payne myself, again to his credit)

My guess is these holier than thou college professors and other "experts" consider themselves "above" learning, or challenges to their view, much less risking the "impossibility" that they are just flat WRONG... and so will more than likely respond with either indifference or insults/attacks (on me) (and/or BackTalk)...and few (if any) facts disputing the Petraeus Report or Engram's analysis.

They throw out numbers that are fed to them like "1.2million innocent Iraqi's dead" without ever checking those numbers or even considering whether the numbers are feasible (which it isn't) as was pointed out in an earlier piece. All they have to do is simple math, I'm sure SOMEBODY at these universities has a calculator in their pocket protector.

Wake UP America.
-red stater

BTW- Attention Moonbats: Do NOT even respond with "...if Al Qaeda lost, then the war is over, so bring the troops home". That is not what is said here, the discussion is of the surge, the Petraeus Report and in particular the Anbar region of Iraq. There is still a lot of work to be done, but make no mistake, it is getting done.

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