Monday, September 15, 2008

Neo-Cons and Neo-Commies

Thanks to Oklahoma Opinions Blog...
American Thinker Blog: Neo-Cons and Neo-Commies

Neo-Cons and Neo-Commies
By James Lewis

Everybody talks about the evil Neo-Cons, but nobody talks about the resurgent Neo-Commies.
"Communist" has been expelled from the Politically Correct lexicon -- which tells us a lot about the Commissars of the PC.
They bear the most amazing resemblance to the old Commissars of (deleted) who killed 60-100 million people in the 20th century. (And Kim Jong Il, not to mention Red China, are still doing it....)Mikhail Gorbachev, who should know them when he sees them, recently warned about a "resurgence of Stalinism" in Russia and Eastern Europe.
The history of Communist crimes was being erased, he said. Well, he was right. But resurgent Stalinism is not limited to those countries. It's in the US and all over the world, as David Horowitz, another former radical, continues to document in great detail.

The Boomer Left is simply filled to the gills with those who used to be called Commies, but who are now "progressives." During the heroic period of American liberals, the Communists were thrown out of the Labor movement, and to some extent out of academia. They came back with the Boomer Left, inspired by the call to conduct a "Long March through the institutions." That call came from Gramsci, who was, you guessed it, a famous Communist Party hack in Italy. (The Long March he referenced was Mao Zedong's mytholigized march to power in China, which led to, oh, at least 40 million deaths.)
The Boomer Lefties who are now getting old simply stacked all the American institutions they could, from the schools to the courts. (See Hillary's youthful infatuation with Saul Alinsky.) And yes, they are not patriotic, because they are internationalists.
That means they want to submerge this country under the control of a Left-ruled imperium. They say it out loud, when they don't think you're listening.

So the bright line that was once drawn between democratic liberals and totalitarian Communists has simply been erased. Today, The New York Times routinely gives extravagant obits to deep-ruby Reds who have sadly passed away, without making a distinction between Stalinists and other shades. Twenty years ago Hollywood had a goofy movie called Reds, celebrating the biggest, most murderous tyranny of the 20th century (which lasted five times longer than the Nazis).
Ronald Reagan as President of the Screen Actors Guild had a huge battle with the Stalinist infiltrators of his time, but today, actors are once again arm-twisted by their profession into Talking Red, even if they don't really believe it. And given that we are talking about the most destructive political movement of the 20th century, with the biggest dummy sucker base in the West, this is not good news for the Republic.

So here's a proposal. Let's allow the Left to rant about Neo-Cons; but conservatives will be allowed to call the "new" Left exactly what it is: The Neo-Commies.
Fair's fair. Words mean things. These folks crawling all over and other Soros fronts are not "Marxists" or "Progressives," "Radicals" -- or especially "Liberals" in any real meaning of the word. They are Neo-Commies.
Bring it on.
James Lewis blogs at



Blogger RD said...

Otter? I expected you to comment on this one... considering you are an expert on neo-commies and all.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Otter Limits said...

How am I an expert on neo-commies? Where did you get that idea?

8:52 PM  
Blogger Otter Limits said...

Besides, I actually know what the difference is between a communist and a Stalinist. There is a world of difference.

8:53 PM  
Blogger RD said...

see... i said you were an expert.

10:28 AM  
Blogger Otter Limits said...

Ok, I still don't know how knowing the difference between a communist and a Stalinist makes me an expert on the subject.

I know the difference between an apple tree and an orange tree, does that make me an expert on horticulture? I think not.

I feel you are not making any sense.

11:34 AM  
Blogger RD said...

lol, c'mon Otter where's your sense of humor man?

But if you must, your analogy doesn't make sense actually.

I jokingly said you were an "expert" on communism and you respond with a partial breakdown and definition of such and wonder how you made my point... classic.

1:41 PM  
Blogger Otter Limits said...

Uhm.....where did I give a breakdown or definition of anything?

I said "I actually know what the difference is between a communist and a Stalinist"

Where in there do you see a definition?

I have not made your point. In fact, I don't even understand what your point is. You said I was an expert on communism. I am wondering why you think I am an expert. That isn't making a point. That was me asking a which I still have not gotten an answer.

2:41 PM  
Blogger RD said...

you take yourself way to seriously dude.

okay, lets go through this slowly and deliberately yet delicately.

I tongue-in-cheek say you are an "expert" on something... anything pick something, then you deny it by telling me that there are in fact various elements of that subject (which you imply that I am not aware of) and that you even know the differences between those elements, but yet are unable to see where I might jokingly refer to you as "an expert" on it.

Get a grip dude, of course you're an expert on socialism and communism and marxism and stalinism..


4:28 PM  
Blogger Otter Limits said...

Sorry Red, I didn't realize you were being tongue-in-cheek to begin with. I thought you were just being a butthead.


But for all reading this. I am not an expert on marxism, socialism, communism...etc...I know a little bit about them. In fact, some to think of it, I am not really an expert on anything. LOL!

Sorry about sounding so serious about this all. I was just genuinely confused as to why you thought I was an expert. Didn't realize you were joking.

4:47 PM  
Blogger RD said...

no worries otter, you and i go way back dude.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Can one not be an internationalist and patriotic at the same time?

8:44 AM  
Blogger Otter Limits said...

not really sure. to be honest, i don't know what that means. internationalist that is.

1:15 AM  

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